Roasted Asparagus - lightly drizzled with Oliv
e oil, salt and pepper
Sauteed Potatoes with Thyme, Olive oil and S & P
Guacamole - not truly fitting I know, but definitely Delicious :)
Pan fried Kebabs with Onions, Garlic and Mushrooms
Bananas, Frozen Blueberries, Strawberries, Apples dipped
in melted white and Milk chocolate
And of course, lots of wine - we know that Red wine would have gone better with the meat, but my French roommate doesn't drink red wine, can you believe it?? I know, she must not truly be Parisian!
The Potatoes were a recipe from France that Elsa brought to us and they were cooked as followed:
Cut as many potatoes as you like into small 1 inch cubes - the more uniform the pieces the more even the cooking process
Through them into a screaming hot pan layered with Olive Oil - or Butter :)
When the potatoes being to brown, add sliced onions and garlic - being careful not to burn, easily burnable garlic
This takes a fairly long time, I would say about 30 minutes, until the potatoes have cooked, and become nice and crispy

About 5 minutes before the Tatters are finished, add a handful or two, however much you like of S &P, and fresh Th
Serve HOT and Enjoy! :)
These turned out so nicely, and very crisp and satisfying!!
The fruit with the melted chocolate was just to die for, Now I am allergic to milk chocolate, but white chocolate is ok since it really isn't chocolate at
all, and just a synthetic sub
stitute - but a delicious s
ynthetic substitute, of which I ate far too much. We melted the white/milk chocolate chips just in two coffee mugs in the microwave, which, I know, sounds totally déclassé, but it was easy and worked like a charm. The only tip I have for
this process is to be VERY careful not to burn the chocolate, because it is VERY easy to do, and burnt chocolate tastes just as awful as burnt ga
rlic -bitter, sour and just awful, which is why true chocolate melters use a double boiler, but oh well there was no burnt chocolate for us!!

Lee...so happy that you holidays turned out to be so filled with friends and family and LOVE. What a wonderful adventure...you will never forget this Christmas! xo