Anyhow, I made myself Rice pasta (since I can't eat Gluten)
for lunch with just olive oil, dried basil and salt and pepper
- it was simple, but warm and comforting and totally hit the spot. However, it didn't seem to satisfy me so, what did I make for dinner? MORE rice pasta.
For dinner however, it was much more sophisticated. I decided to make a light tomato sauce with Yellow cherry tomatoes (I'm allergic to red tomatoes), lots and lots of fresh garlic, onions and Fresh Basil which happens to be one of my favourite ingredients.
Here is How I made the Sauce:
-15 Yellow Cherry Tomatoes
-1 tbsp of Olive Oil
-4 Large Cloves of Garlic
-1 Whole medium white onion
-a handful of Fresh basil (I cut the leaves instead of slicing them, giving it a more rustic look)
-Saute the onions and garlic in the Olive Oil until they are soft
- Add the tomatoes and half of the Basil - Along with Salt, Pepper and dried basil to taste
- Cook until the tomatoes have created a sauce in the pan (you can add a tablespoon of pasta water if it's not saucey enough for you - BUT only a tablespoon at a time, you don't want it to be runny and flavourless)
- Toss with cooked Pasta!
Et Voila!

I boiled the pasta in some salty water until it was tender; this may seem like an easy task, however rice pasta is difficult to cook because undercooked it's very hard and chewy,
and overcooked even by the slightest amount it gets mushy and awful and the line between those two options is very thin.
This is a really great method for making
fresh tomato pasta sauces because the tomatoes sort of melt away leaving their bitter skins separate from their sweet juice making a really flavourful sauce. I also added a fair amount of dry basil, because I think it tastes really different from the fresh stuff, and I love them together!
basil, and let me tell you! This round of pasta REALLY hit the spot! I was completely satiated :)
Well, Tomorrow is the day that I attempt to make brownies for the boy. Now, because I don't have any brownie pan per se, so I am going to attempt to make brownie cookies which I think will be divine.
Thursday tomorrow! Thank Goodness, it's felt like a long week, despite the fact that 4 of my classes were cancelled and I probably could have got a tan on Tuesday. Ahhh the hard life :)
wish i could have been there to enjoy that, looks amazing :) and i cant wait for our weekend eiiitthherrr